Seeds Fascinate Me!

Les semences me fascinent!

Seeds Fascinate Me!

March 22, 2023

Ah, seeds!

These tiny capsules of life, sometimes less than 0.5 mm in diameter, contain all the genetic material, the embryo, and the energy reserves needed for the reproduction of the parent plant.

Some seeds have hard shells to withstand the rigors of the digestive system of animals that eat the fruits containing them, while others have air-filled coats that allow them to float to their destination.  

Samaras or akenes equipped with aigrets can fly far from the parent plant to disperse, while other seeds have hooks that latch onto the fur of animals that brush against them, starting their journey.

They know how to recognize and wait for the ideal conditions for germination, whether in terms of temperature, light, or humidity. Some will remain dormant in the soil for several years until these conditions are met.

Many of our native plants have also developed dormancy to avoid germinating in the fall, waiting for a period of cold and moisture followed by rising temperatures to signal that spring has finally arrived.

But beyond all these abilities, I am also fascinated by the immense beauty of these tiny seeds, which I wanted to share with you! Here are a few of them!

Semence de galane glabre

White turtlehead seed

Semences de zizia doré

Golden Alexander seed

Semences de millepertuis perforé

St. John’s wort seed

Semence d'anémone du Canada

Canada anemone seed

Semences de centaurée bleuet

Cornflower seed

Semence d'achillée millefeuille

Common yarrow seed

Semence d'euphorbe pétaloïde

Flowering spurge seed

Semences de matricaire odorante

Pineappleweed seed

Semence d'agastache fenouil

Anise hyssop seed

Semence de monarde fistuleuse

Wild bergamot seed

Semence d'eupatoire maculée

Joe Pye weed seed

Semence d'héliopsis faux-hélianthe

False sunflower seed

Semence d'astragale du Canada

Canadian milkvetch seed

Semence d'aralie à grappes

American spikenard seed

Semence de lis du Canada

Canada lily seed

Semence d'asclépiade du Canada

Common milkweed seed

Semence d'actée à grappes noires

Black cohosh seed

Semence de silphe perfolié

Cup plant seed

Semence de desmodie du Canada

Canada tick-trefoil seed

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