March 22, 2023
Excuse me? Yes, you read that correctly.
It is not a flower you are seeing in this image, but rather a collection of several flowers! Let me explain.
In some plants, what might appear at first glance to be a flower is an inflorescence composed of many flowers. In the case of the Asteraceae family, all these flowers are grouped in a structure called a capitulum, and for the Araceae family, we refer to it as a spadix.
In the picture, we see the inflorescence of the cup plant [Lien], a member of the Asteraceae family. Its center consists of tiny tubular flowers, surrounded by ligulate flowers, which are often mistaken for petals.
As Charles Tisseyre would say, fascinating! 😆
Oh, and would you like to learn how to recognize plants from the vast Asteraceae family during your nature outings? Look for these key characteristics (capitulum inflorescences, tubular and ligulate flowers), but also remember that this family takes its name from the genus Aster, a Latin word meaning "star," referring to the star-shaped capitula!
You will quickly be able to associate various plants with this enormous family, which boasts over 23,000 species. Close your eyes and think about it: daisy, New England aster [Lien], cosmos [Lien], calendula [Lien], purple coneflower [Lien], common sneezeweed [Lien], black-eyed Susan [Lien], etc.
You see? 😁
Les meilleurs moments pour semer les plantes sauvages sont soit au printemps, soit à l’automne (pour les semences qui ont besoin d’une stratification froide). Vous trouverez toutes les informations et conseils pour les semis et la culture dans la section “Notes de culture” au bas de la page de chacune des plantes.
Bonjour, j’ai reçu un joli emballage de semences, de plantes sauvages médicinales. Est-ce que je peux mettre en terre dès maintenant. Merci
Line des Îles-de-la-Madeleine