
Chaque semence compte : La puissance des plantes indigènes pour la biodiversité

Every Seed Counts: The Power of Native Plants for Biodiversity

Les plantes indigènes jouent un rôle essentiel dans la restauration des écosystèmes au Québec, notamment au sud du 49e parallèle, où la biodiversité est concentrée. En plantant ces espèces, même sur un balcon ou une petite cour, vous soutenez les pollinisateurs, enrichissez les sols, limitez les espèces envahissantes et offrez des habitats à la faune locale. Ces gestes simples aident également à capturer le carbone et à renforcer les réseaux trophiques. Rejoignez le mouvement pour transformer nos espaces en refuges pour la nature, une semences à la fois.

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Philippe Denis
Le rapport Planète Vivante 2024 sur la biodiversité renforce notre mission

The Living Planet Report 2024 on Biodiversity Strengthens Our Mission

October 23, 2024 The release of the 2024 Living Planet Report by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) on October 10 sounded yet another alarm: wildlife populations around the world continue to decline at an alarming rate. The report reveals an average 73% drop in species populations since 1970, largely due to the impact of human activities on natural habitats. As Daudi Sumba, WWF’s Chief Conservation Officer, emphasized during a recent online presentation, the report goes beyond studying wildlife populations. It highlights the importance of ecosystems that sustain human life, stressing the interconnectedness of climate crises and the destruction of nature....

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Philippe Denis
Conseils pour établir un pré fleuri

Tips for Establishing a Wildflower Meadow

Creating a wildflower meadow, even a small one, is an excellent way to enhance the ecological and ornamental value of your garden. Not only does it add a touch of natural beauty to your outdoor space, but it is also a powerful way to support biodiversity!

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Philippe Denis
Un livre comme phare dans le brouillard de la crise environnementale

A Book as a Beacon in the Environmental Crisis Fog

October 30, 2023 In the world of environmental literature, some works transcend genre boundaries to offer a fresh and inspiring perspective on our relationship with nature. Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer is one of those works. Published in 2013, this book invites readers on a masterful exploration of Indigenous wisdom, scientific knowledge, and the profound lessons plants can offer us. This book immediately came to mind upon reading the recent “Interconnected Disaster Risks Report 2023” from the United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS). The report...

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