Publications — plantes indigènes

Chaque semence compte : La puissance des plantes indigènes pour la biodiversité

Every Seed Counts: The Power of Native Plants for Biodiversity

Les plantes indigènes jouent un rôle essentiel dans la restauration des écosystèmes au Québec, notamment au sud du 49e parallèle, où la biodiversité est concentrée. En plantant ces espèces, même sur un balcon ou une petite cour, vous soutenez les pollinisateurs, enrichissez les sols, limitez les espèces envahissantes et offrez des habitats à la faune locale. Ces gestes simples aident également à capturer le carbone et à renforcer les réseaux trophiques. Rejoignez le mouvement pour transformer nos espaces en refuges pour la nature, une semences à la fois.

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Philippe Denis
Conseils pour établir un pré fleuri

Tips for Establishing a Wildflower Meadow

Creating a wildflower meadow, even a small one, is an excellent way to enhance the ecological and ornamental value of your garden. Not only does it add a touch of natural beauty to your outdoor space, but it is also a powerful way to support biodiversity!

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Philippe Denis
Les semences me fascinent!

Seeds Fascinate Me!

Seeds Fascinate Me! March 22, 2023 Ah, seeds! These tiny capsules of life, sometimes less than 0.5 mm in diameter, contain all the genetic material, the embryo, and the energy reserves needed for the reproduction of the parent plant. Some seeds have hard shells to withstand the rigors of the digestive system of animals that eat the fruits containing them, while others have air-filled coats that allow them to float to their destination.   Samaras or akenes equipped with aigrets can fly far from the parent plant to disperse, while other seeds have hooks that latch onto the fur of animals...

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Philippe Denis
Qu’est-ce qu’une plante indigène?

What Is a Native Plant?

A native plant is a species that occurs naturally in a specific geographic region without human intervention. These plants have evolved over thousands of years to thrive in their environment and have adapted to the local climate, wildlife, and soil. Native plants are an essential part of the ecosystem and play a crucial role in maintaining nature's balance.

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