Publications — plantes indigènes

Philippe Denis
Douglas W. Tallamy et l'importance des plantes indigènes

Douglas W. Tallamy and the Importance of Native Plants

Published over 15 years ago by Douglas W. Tallamy, the book Bringing Nature Home highlights the inseparable link between native plant species and native wildlife. This call for natural landscaping and the use of native plants remains profoundly relevant today. A fresh reading reminds us that anyone with access to a plot of land or a backyard can make a meaningful contribution to preserving biodiversity.

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Philippe Denis
Le rôle crucial des plantes indigènes

The Crucial Role of Native Plants

March 15, 2022 Our land offers us beautiful native plants that play a crucial role in our ecosystems. However, urban sprawl, landscaping practices, and forestry activities continue to threaten and fragment their habitats.   A report published in the spring of 2018 by Canada's Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development highlighted the "significant decline" of critical ecosystems, including a major reduction in wetlands, natural prairies (now only a "fraction" of their original size), and deciduous forests. In some regions, more than 90% of these wooded areas have been altered by human activity.1   Yet, when it comes to planning their landscapes,...

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